
Brass Music Videos

Here you will find 974 videos in numerous categories related to brass playing. The last video added was on Aug 12, 2010. They have been added selectively and should all be of interest for one reason or another. Most feature some of the best artists today and from years past. And some are included because they are instructive in some way or another.

You can either browse through a list of videos in a particular category, or you can use a universal "drill-down" video selector to choose from among all the videos.

Your choices include:

  • Brass Ensemble / Brass Band, including groups such as Mnozil Brass, Canadian Brass, Black Dyke Brass, New York Staff Band, Chicago Brass, German Brass, Harmonic Brass, Appalachian Brass Orchestra, Brass Band Berlin and many others.
  • Euphonium and Baritone Horn, including artists such as Steven Mead, David Childs, David Werden, Matthew Murchison, Bastien Baumet, Charley Brighton, Brian Bowman, David Thornton, and many others.
  • French Horn, including artists such as Berlin Philharmonic Horns, Ifor James, Dennis Brain, Herman Baumann, Barry Tuckwell, Giovanni Hoffer, Nury Guarnaschelli, Radovan Vlatkovic, Alessandro Piras and many others.
  • Trumpet and Flugelhorn, including artists such as Sergei Nakariakov, Doc Severinsen, Alison Balsom, Rafael Mendez, Tine Thing Helseth, Allen Vizzutti, Giuliano Sommerhalder, Timofei Dokshizer, Wynton Marsalis and many others.
  • Trombone, including artists such as Alan Raph, Christian Lindberg, Bill Watrous, Ben van Dijk {Bass Trombone}, Kiril Ribarski, Branimir Slokar, Carlos Freitas {Alto Trombone}, Four Bones Trombone Quartet, Lloyd Leno and many others.
  • Tuba, including artists such as Alessandro Fossi, Patrick Sheridan, Thomas Leleu, Arnold Jacobs, Dave Bargeron, James Gourlay, Kransky Sisters, Mike Roylance, Oystein Baadsvik and many others.
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