
Molecular dynamics simulations of 10 encapsulated helium atoms and the (8,0) CNT subjected to torsion with a rate of 2.79 rad/ps at temperature 1500 K at (a) the initial equilibrium state; (b) the end of the loading process, t = 0.5 ps with all atoms in the tube; (c) t = 10 ps with half of the atoms outside of the tube; and (d) t = 25 ps with all atoms pumped outside of the tube successfully.
Molecular dynamics simulations at temperature 1500 K of 10 encapsulated helium atoms and the (8,0) CNT (a) subjected to torsion with a rate of 0.70 rad/ps at t = 20 ps with seven helium atoms outside of the tube; and (b) subjected to torsion with a rate of 0.35 rad/ps at t = 20 ps with six atoms pumped outside of the tube.

Molecular dynamics simulations at temperature 800 K of 10 encapsulated helium atoms and the (8,0) CNT (a) subjected to torsion with a rate of 2.79 rad/ps at t = 20 ps, with eight helium atoms pumped outside of the tube; and (b) subjected to torsion with a rate of 17.4 rad/ps at t = 20 ps with all atoms pumped outside of the tube.

Molecular dynamics simulations at temperature 500 K of 10 encapsulated helium atoms and the (8,0) CNT (a) subjected to torsion with a rate of 2.79 rad/ps at t = 20 ps with four helium atoms outside of the tube; and (b) subjected to torsion with a rate of 17.4 rad/ps at t = 20 ps with seven atoms pumped outside of the tube.

Molecular dynamics simulation at temperature 500 K of 10 encapsulated helium atoms and the (8,0) CNT subjected to a compression with a rate of 1.0 nm/ps at t = 11 ps with most atoms locked inside the tube.



一般來講,扭結現象(局部扭曲)是很少見的,但如果能在奈米碳管(Carbon nanotubes, CNTs; 中國稱為碳納米管)中傳播這種現象,就是值得慶祝的事了。
加拿大曼尼托巴大學機械和製造工程學系(The Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Manitoba, UM)教授王泉(Quan Wang)認為,“我在研究中找到的這種在奈米碳管中扭結傳播的效應是很令人興奮的發現,並且對日後的研究工作是個啟迪。”
王泉教授最新的研究成果發表在《納米快報》(NANO Letters)期刊2009年1月號上(Vol. 9, No. 1, pp 245-249)。這篇文章利用分子動力學原理討論了氦原子在單層奈米碳管中傳輸的仿真過程。

王泉(Quan Wang)教授的網頁

NANO Letters原文論文
Atomic Transportation via Carbon Nanotubes
Nano Lett., 2009, 9 (1), pp 245–249
DOI: 10.1021/nl802829z
Publication Date (Web): December 23, 2008
Quan Wang*
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 5V6


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