Two- and three-dimensional beam profile of single-mode amplifier output at 17 W from CCD.
Far-field interference matrix of eightelement MOPFA arrays under an open loop condition (at 100 W level).
Illustration of single-mode PM all-fiber amplifier module.
Schematic setup of the single-frequency MOPFA.
美國光學學會(the Optical Society of America,OSA)《應用光學》(Applied Optics)雜誌於 2009年10月發表上海光機所先進雷射技術與應用系統實驗室漆雲鳳、劉馳、周軍、樓祺洪和陳衛標等人合作撰寫的論文,並在封面刊登了該項研究成果圖片。發表論文題目為“Single-frequency linearly polarized master-oscillator fiber power amplifier system and its application in high fill factor coherent beam combining”(單頻線偏振MOPFA光纖級聯放大系統及其在高占空比相干組束的應用研究)。美國Applied Optics 雜誌發表的論文均為世界各國在應用光學研究領域高水準的論文和最新研究進展。
Applied Optics原文論文
Single-frequency linearly polarized master-oscillator fiber power amplifier system and its application in high fill factor coherent beam combining
Applied Optics, Vol. 48, Issue 29, pp. 5514-5519 doi:10.1364/AO.48.005514
Yunfeng Qi, Chi Liu, Jun Zhou, Qihong Lou, Weibiao Chen, Jingxing Dong, and Yunrong Wei