09/28 (Mon.)
邀請 張之威 助理研究員 Prof. Chih-Wei Chang (台灣大學凝態科學中心 CCMS, NTU) 於 R833 演講,敬邀各位踴躍前往參加。
Time: Sep. 28th(Mon.)2:20 P.M.
Place: Rm. 833, CCMS & New Physics Building, NTU
Speaker: 張之威 博士 Dr. Chih-Wei Chang (台灣大學凝態科學中心 CCMS, NTU)
Title:Nanoscale phononics
美國加州大學柏克萊分校物理學博士 ( 2006 )
/ Ph.D. in physics (2006), University of California at Berkeley, USA
現任台大凝態科學研究中心助理研究員 / CCMS Assistant Research Fellow
Office:台灣大學凝態物理館 1109 室 / CCMS / PHYSICS Building Room 1109
TEL: + 886-2–33665293
Link:奈米物理實驗室 / Nano Physics Lab
超大磁阻材料之熱電動勢之硏究 = Thermoelectric power studies on the colossal magnetoresistance materials eng
指導教授: 黃昭淵,林昭吟
Nanomechanical resonators High frequency nanomechanical resonators promise to be next-generation RF signal filters and processors. Moreover, they are capable of detecting the mass of a single atom and the quanta of a single spin. We are developing various experimental and theoretical schemes to approach these limits. Ultimately, we hope that our works will fundamentally change the detection methods for NMR or ESR.
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 | One-dimensional phononics Heat transfer in one-dimensional system has puzzled generations of physicists. For the first time, now it is possible to experimentally investigate this problem. We are developing state-of-art techniques to investigate the heat transfer phenomena in one-dimensional systems. In particular, we are interested in exploring the potential of utilizing phonons as information carriers and building elements for active control of heat flow in nanoscale materials.
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Thermoelectricity for energy harvesting Thermoelectric devices can directly convert heat into electricity. They are ideal next-generation clean energy resources. We are conducting various schemes to enhance the efficiency of thermoelectric devices, with special focuses on low-dimensional systems and effects from spin entropy.
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 | Nanoscale mechatronics The interplay between mechanics, electronics, phononics, and photonics in nanoscale materials always displays intriguing, and sometimes, unexpected phenomena. Through experimental investigations, we are starting to understand some basic mechanisms. Yet much more unknowns are waiting to be discovered.
Nanophotonics of engineered materials Artificial-engineered structures like metamaterials are capable of exhibiting physical properties far beyond those of natural materials. Thus one can design their own "atoms" or "molecules" with specific optical functionalities. We are exploring this new field with aids from electromagnetic simulations and optical experiments.
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 | Quantum effects of displacement currents We believe that displacement currents, which display the same classical effects as ordinary currents, should exhibit quantum phenomena similar to what have been observed in electrons. We are developing various theoretical and experimental schemes to investigate the novel effect.
High pressure synthesis of new materials Materials synthesized under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions usually exhibit new structures or new phases unfound in conventional synthesis. We are particularly interested in using this technique to explore nanomaterials or complex oxides with unusual electronic ground states, such as charge density waves, magnetism, and superconductivity.
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