MLS (v1.5) Online Visualization and Analysis System
Lat-Lon Map, Time-averaged: | This plot type provides a time-averaged data plot for a specified area. The values plotted are the mean (time average) value of the data product calculated for the specified time interval. |
Time Series, Area-averaged: | This plot type provides an X-Y data plot. The value of the data product, averaged over the entire specified area of interest, is plotted as a function of time for any specified time interval. A time series for a single point is also supported. |
Animation, Lat-Lon Maps: | This plot type provides a Lat-Lon Map animation of the requested data product, in single time step increments, for any specified time interval. |
Time-Lon Hovmoller, Lat-averaged: | This plot type provides Hovmoller Longitude vs. Time color plot. For a specified area, the average value of the data product is displayed with longitude as the X-axis and time as the Y-axis. |
Time-Lat Hovmoller, Lon-averaged: | This plot type provides a Hovmoller latitude vs. Time color plot. For a specified area, the average value of the data product is displayed with latitude as the X-axis and time as the Y-axis. |
Scatter Plot, Time averaged: | This plot type provides a scatter plot of all time-averaged (or single time) values of the two parameters for a selected area. This function allows for the examination of the relationship between two parameters geographically. |
- MLS Online Visualization and Analysis System
- OMI Online Visualization and Analysis System
- TOMS Online Visualization and Analysis System
- UARS/HALOE Online Visualization and Analysis System
- AIRS Online Visualization and Analysis System
- Ocean Color Time-Series Project
- Agriculture Online Visualization and Analysis System (AOVAS)
- MODIS Online Visualization and Analysis System (MOVAS)
- TRMM Online Visualization and Analysis System (TOVAS)