

: Nanoparticle-enabled multi-dimensional optical data storage

演講者: Xiang Ping Li(李向平), Postdoctoral Fellow of Centre for Micro-Photonics, The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia

時間: 2010年10月29日(五) 10:00-11:00
          October 29, 2010 (Fri.) AM 10:00-11:00

地點: 國立台灣大學凝態科學中心暨物理新館304室
          Room304, Condensed Matter Science and Physics Building, NTU

演講摘要(Talk Abstract)
So far the optical data storage density is still limited by the diffraction of the beam. Recently a ground breaking multi-dimensional optical data storage, or so called polarization or spectral encoding, has lightened the way of Petabytes high density optical data storage of the next generation. The multi-dimensional optical data storage can multiplex the information in the additional physical dimensions of the writing beam, such as polarization state or excitation wavelength . T h e refore , the storage capacity can be greatly enhanced. Owing to their broad excitation and emission spectra tunability and large two-photon absorption sensitivity, semiconductor nanoparticles have been introduced for multi-dimensional optical data storage. In particular, the sharp polarization sensitivity of semiconductor quantum rods enables the polarization encoded photonic applications with less cross talks .

李博士是澳洲知名光電工程學家顧敏教授的學生, 現仍在顧敏教授的研究室, 研究專長為多維光學儲存

Dr. Li achieved his Ph.D degree in optics in 2009 at Centre for Micro-Photonics, Swinburne University of Technology. Now he is working on the multi-dimensional optical data storage project in Prof. Min Gu’s group at Centre for Micro-Photonics. His main research is focused on nanoparticlebased multi-dimensional optical data storage, including multi-dimensional encoding techniques and drive system, nanomaterials and nanophotonics .

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