:6月23日(三)下午 2:20
地點:臺灣大學物理新館R104演講廳 (Rm. 104 Lecture Hall, CCMS & New Physics Building, NTU)
講者:傅立倫 博士 Dr. Lee-Lueng Fu (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)
講題:Determining sea level and ocean circulation from space: A continuing challenge facing a warming planet
※ 傅立倫博士為1972級臺大物理系系友/2008美國國家工程學院院士
Over 80 % of the heat from global warming in the past half century has been stored in the ocean, manifested in part by a rising sea level at a rate about 1/3 of its recent maximum at the end of the last Ice Age. For the first time this small but important change of sea level can be determined globally from space using radar technology. Because sea level is an indicator of both the heat absorbed by the ocean and the consequence of inundation and change of coastline in the coming decades, it is crucial to continue making precise observations to monitor and predict its change. Furthermore, the details of the changing sea level contain key information on the circulation of the ocean that determines the capacity of the ocean for absorbing heat, which is critical to the prediction of the rate of future warming. In this talk, I will review the physics of ocean circulation and the technique of radar observations, the progress in the past 30 years, as well as the challenges facing us ahead.