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引自《科學新聞》 (科學新聞09年第17期 評論)

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中國中科院理化所張曉宏研究組在一維有機奈米結構有序自組裝研究方面取得新進展,相關研究結果最近發表在《先進材料》(Advanced Materials )(Published Online.DOI: 10.1002/adma.200802793 )上。

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【演講公告】 10/05 (Mon.) 邀請 羅志偉 教授 Prof. Chih-Wei Luo (交通大學電子物理系 NCTU) 於 R833 演講,敬邀各位踴躍前往參加。

Time: Oct. 5th(Mon.)2:20 P.M.
Place: 台大物理與凝態科學館Rm. 833, CCMS & New Physics Building, NTU
Speaker: 羅志偉 教授 Prof. Chih-Wei Luo (交通大學電子物理系 NCTU)

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a,b, Low-magnification TEM images of the cobalt-doped (a) and iron-doped (b) ZnO samples. c,d, High-resolution TEM image taken at the surface region for the cobalt-doped (c) and iron-doped (d) ZnO samples. e,f, Typical EDS results obtained from cobalt-doped (e) and iron-doped (f) ZnO sample. The cobalt and iron concentrations in the samples are approx5.6% and approx4%, respectively.

揭示半導體奈米線內稟鐵磁特性(intrinsic ferromagnetism)

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Plasmonics in Metal Nanoparticles: Experiment and Theory

Dates: 2-3 October, 2009
Place: R104, Condensed Matter & New Physics Building, National Taiwan University

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09/28 (Mon.)
邀請 張之威 助理研究員 Prof. Chih-Wei Chang (台灣大學凝態科學中心 CCMS, NTU) 於 R833 演講,敬邀各位踴躍前往參加。

Time: Sep. 28th(Mon.)2:20 P.M.

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標題: 【演講公告】09/21 (Mon.) 邀請 張烈錚 教授 Prof. L. J. Chang (清華大學原子科學技術發展中心 NSTDC, NTHU) 於 R833 演講,敬邀各位踴躍前往參加。
附加檔案: 無!
內文: Time: Sep. 21st(Mon.)2:20 P.M.

Place: Rm. 833, CCMS & New Physics Building, NTU

Speaker: 張烈錚 教授 Prof. L. J. Chang (清華大學原子科學技術發展中心 NSTDC, NTHU)

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Solar power game-changer: 'Near perfect' absorption of sunlight, from all angles

November 03, 2008

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The world's first floating full-scale offshore wind turbine in the North Sea off the coast of Norway. Norwegian energy giant StatoilHydro said that the world's first floating full-scale offshore wind turbine has been inaugurated in the North Sea off the coast of Norway.

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第一站:時空奏鳴曲 穿梭古今2000年

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最近剛在讀這位新加坡教授的文章, 沒想到就到系上來了!


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引自CNET新聞專區:NYTimes授權 By John Markoff 2006/12/12 12:57:21

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Scientists at MIT have figured out how to relay the successful storage of light in a a form of quantum memory based on a cold-atom gas. (Credit: Image copyright American Physical Society [Illustration: Alan Stonebraker])

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